Quintessential Quotes: A Quiz Deck on Movies

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Whether you’re a certified cinephile or a pop culture savant, you’ll have a blast guessing the influential movies from the ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s that feature these quintessential quotes. This deck of 48 cards presents an iconic line from a film on the front side, and its release year, stars, director, and the character who spoke it on the back.

Additionally, each card back features a piece of trivia that you might not have known about these popular films. There’s an endless combination of ways to play—guess the film, name the lead actors or director, or just read through to learn tantalizing trivia about some of the most marvelous movies of recent decades. Let the movie magic begin!

Published by Pomegranate. Measures 3.25 x 4 x 0.75 inches. ISBN 9781087506975

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