Lester Beall: Space, Time, and Content

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Lester Beall: Space, Time & Content explores the work of Lester Beall through reproductions of Rochester Institute of Technology's comprehensive holdings. Beall (1903–1969) gained prominence through his ads, posters and identity projects commissioned from such high-profile clients as the Chicago Tribune, Collier's and Time magazines, the Rural Electrification Administration, and International Paper Company. Throughout his career, Beall's award-winning design and high principles made him a favored lecturer in professional and educational circles. He is now considered as one of the chief proponents of the American Modernist Design movement.

Written by R. Roger Remingotn and Massimo Vignelli. Published by RIT Press in 2003. Paperback, measures 7.5 x 7.5 inches, 36 pages. ISBN 9780971345980

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