Engineer, Agitator, Constructor

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These “engineers,” “agitators,” “constructors,” “photomonteurs,” “workers”, all designations adopted by the artists themselves, turned away from traditional forms of painting and sculpture and invented new visual languages. Central among them was photomontage, in which photographs and images from newspapers and magazines were cut, remixed, and pasted together. Working as propagandists, advertisers, publishers, editors, architects, theater designers, and curators, these artists engaged with expanded audiences in novel ways, establishing distinctive infrastructures for presenting and distributing their work.

Illuminating the essential role of women in avant-garde activities while mapping vital networks across Europe, this richly illustrated book presents the social engagement, fearless experimentation, and utopian aspirations that defined the early 20th century, and how these strategies still reverberate today.

Edited by Jodi Hauptman and Adrian Sudhalter. Published by The Museum of Modern Art in 2020. Hardcover, measures 12 x 9 inches, 312 pages. ISBN 9781633451087

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